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Events & Courses
SBM Support Programme: GDPR, online safety and filtering and monitoring - 24439
MeLSA (Mediated Learning Support Assistant) Training - 26068
A Beginner’s Guide to Reading Fluency
Due to low numbers of attendees, unfortunately we have had to make the decision to cancel this course.
Strategies to promote inclusion of SEND support pupils in writing lessons
Unfortunately due to low numbers we have made the decision to cancel this course.
PRIMARY Equality and Diversity Leads’ network meetings - Spring term - 26141
Let’s Talk History - Spring term - 26147
Headteacher Workshop - School Finance - 26264
Oracy in the Early Years - 26128
Mathematics Subject Leaders’ Meetings – Spring term - 26158
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training for Newly Appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads ( and / or Deputy DSL) - 26171
Headteacher Workshop - Effective monitoring and self-evaluation - 26265
Aspiring to outstanding - 27503
Primary Science Network Meetings - Spring term - 27574
SECONDARY - Equality and Diversity Leads’ network meetings - Spring term - 27932
A Focus on Poetry
Due to low numbers of attendees, unfortunately we have had to make the decision to cancel this course.