MeLSA (Mediated Learning Support Assistant) Training
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We are thrilled to introduce you to the Mediated Learning Support Assistant (MeLSA) training, a project designed to equip educational staff with psychologically informed tools to foster the development of essential learning skills in children.
Why MeLSA?
Similar to the well-known ELSA initiative, MeLSA provides staff with core psychological knowledge and skills in an initial series of training days and then ensures continuous growth through regular supervision sessions. This approach ensures MeLSAs refine their skills and competencies over time. Topics covered include:
- Mediational skills.
- Executive Functioning.
- Logic and reasoning skills.
- Memory.
- Literacy.
- Maths.
- Learning mindsets.
While MeLSA has been well received elsewhere in the UK, this is the first year we will offer this training in Merton. This is a brilliant opportunity for our local schools to be part of an exciting initiative!
If you would like to request a copy of our MeLSA information leaflet which includes pricing information, please email